
AJ Castillo Posters in Process

August 9, 2013

Stephen Escarzaga screenprinting the AJ Castillo posters
Stephen working his magic, or, us showing off our gif-making skills

One joy of the music program is the talent involved at every step — poster design, screenprinting, performance, sound, lighting, photography. Here we focus on the art of screenprinting, with a few snapshots of Stephen Escarzaga of Proper Printshop printing the AJ Castillo posters, designed by Yasmine Guevara. Thanks to Stephen for documenting the process and being exceedingly rad.

More photos and fewer gifs after the jump.

The screens
The screens

Ink for posters
The ink

Stephen Escarzaga printing posters
Inking the screen


The print

Drying on the rack

AJ Castillo plays Vizcaino Park on August 31 as part of the Marfa Lights Festival. Tickets available here.