I came here on my own.
October 26, 2012
I’m a huge robbinschilds fan (they performed at Ballroom in 2007 with Japanather for Deep Comedy, and I loved their video installation C.L.U.E. at TBA Portland 2009). They have a new show at Art in General, I came here on my own., which began on a residency in New Zealand, where the pair encountered John Mulgan’s novel, Man Alone (in which a solitary man leaves society to seek refuge in nature). robbinschilds’ rework this trope, using a four-channel video installation, undertaking two mirrored but separate journeys that reframe and subvert the classic male journey myth. Check it out if you’re in New York, up till December 15.
Image captions: robbinschilds. I came here on my own. 2012, Video still. All images courtesy of the artist.