Watch Vidas Perfectas Via Live Stream
April 17, 2014
Robert Ashley and Alex Waterman, Performance of El Parque, Vidas Perfectas, Irondale Theater, Brooklyn, NY; December 2011, Pictured: Ned Sublette as ‘R’, aka Raoul de Noget, Courtesy of the artist. Photograph by Phillip Stearns.
For anyone unable to make it to the performances of Vidas Perfectas at the Whitney Biennial, be sure to tune into the performance’s live stream beginning today.
Here is the schedule (all times EST):
each episode is 30 minutes, plus 15-minute changeovers between episodes
Thursday, April 17
1:30pm (El Parque, La Iglesia)
4:30pm (La Iglesia, El Parque
Friday, April 18
1:30pm (El Banco, El Salon)
6:30pm (El Banco, El Salon, El Bar)
Saturday, April 19
12pm (El Supermercado, El Banco)
4:30pm (El Bar, El Patio de Atras)
Sunday, April 20
12pm (El Supermercado, El Bar)
4:30pm (El Parque,