
Real Slow Jams Extravaganza

February 14, 2013


The feast of Saint Valentine is upon us, and while there’s plenty of classic rusticated music on the way — the Hogwallops in Valentine today, Gary P. Nunn and Primo Carrasco tomorrow — we can’t live by country and western alone. With that in mind, here’s Hudson Mohawke‘s annual Valentine’s mix, bridging the gap between astral electronics, trap music sound effects and “straight-to-the-room“-style R&B in the manner that one might expect from a dude co-signed to Warp and G.O.O.D. Music. [via self-titled]

If you’re more of an “all-day lover” type, tune your internet over to Rdio where Questlove is in the process of compiling “Pro Creation Nation,” a 24-hour playlist suitable to, in his words, “play in the background while you procreate. Or sleep. Or spoon or whatever.” There’s lots of Prince in there. [via AV Club]

And finally, to make your Valentine’s Day a full-spectrum multimedia experience we recommend picking up the latest edition of Real News. The February issue just hit the newsstand at the Marfa Book Company, and it’s basically the small town ‘zine equivalent of a slow jams playlist.

Now as part owner of the Charlotte Hornets, the six time NBA champion has entered the stratosphere

When the big supertanker that is systemic education finally gets fully on board, and has seen enough examples of good educational video games to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff (currently it’s mostly the latter that is out there), then I think that video games will play a significant role in mathematics education.

It was the other way around in the 400 with Gajda finishing first in 55.
“Students will do everything to choose another career.
Il y a quelques semaines, ils se gavaient de Kinder devant les sketchs de Gad Elmaleh.
After long legal fights, the bank was allowed to deliver 200,000 documents, but denied permission to turn over many more.

Baile de San Valentín con Gary P. Nunn + Primo Carrasco & Friends

February 13, 2013

Gary P. Nunn poster, designed by Dirk Fowler

Por lo que parece, la historia de amor más duradera en la vida de Gary P. Nunn es con el estado de Texas.
Aunque él nació en Oklahoma, su trabajo se caracteriza por la creación de canciones inspiradas en su
profundo afecto por el Estado de Lone Star. El legendario compositor ofrecerá en breve su repertorio a los
residentes de una de las ciudades más románticas del Trans-Pecos. Únete a nosotros aquí en Marfa, en el
día del Baile de San Valentín el Viernes, 15 de febrero 2013.

Nunn es conocido por su canción “London Homesick Blues” una balada cantada desde el punto de vista
de un músico country varado en Inglaterra, suspirando por los armadillos, la música country y las mujeres
atractivas con las que Texas es a menudo asociada. Esta canción fue convertida en éxito por Jerry Jeff
Walker y David Allan Coe, y más tarde, inmortalizada como tema musical de larga duración para la PBS,
escaparate de la música en directo de la Austin City Limits.

Integrado en la región, Nunn encontró su lugar tocando el teclado con The Fabulous Sparkles, una banda
de garaje con nombres tan destacados en la escena del West Texas de los 60 como Joe Ely y Jimmie Dale
Gilmore. Después de mudarse a Austin para obtener la licenciatura en farmacia en la Universidad de Texas,
Nunn se involucró en el emergente country independiente tocando el bajo para Michael Martin Murphy y
Willie Nelson.

En poco tiempo se sintió en casa con la Lost Gonzo Band, volviendo con Jerry Jeff Walker en 1973 con
Viva Terlingua!, un disco que ocupa con Honky Tonk Heroes y Shotgun Willie un lugar dentro de los clásicos de la música country progresiva. Es también un homenaje conmovedor como era de esperar a uno
de últimos enclaves del auténtico espíritu Big Bend.

Nunn haría otros tres álbumes con Lost Gonzo Band y luego comenzó a actuar bajo su propio nombre
en los años 80. En consonancia con el espíritu que lo definió desde el principio, él dio un nuevo enfoque
práctico a su carrera en solitario, evitando grandes discográficas, lanzando su propia música y dirigiéndose
hacia registros cercanos a Campfire Records, un sello discográfico independiente con base en San Antonio
con quien ha publicado nueve álbumes.

Como declaró en Amarillo Globe-News el año pasado,

“He sido independiente desde el primer día … Hubo un tiempo en el que uno no podía grabar un disco a
menos que tuviera un contrato discográfico, pero yo dije, ‘¿Por qué ?’ Así que siempre he hecho mis propios

“Realmente, en mi mente, siempre he tratado de trabajar para una industria de la música en Texas, y
siempre he tratado de ser un ejemplo para los que vienen después, para que sepan cómo las cosas pueden
hacerse de manera independiente. “

Su obra más reciente One Way or Another de 2012 cuenta, con su primera actuación “Couldn’t Do
Nothin’ Right”, una de sus canciones más conocidas por ser el single del álbum de debut de Rosanne Cash
en 1979.

Nunn nunca ha escondido su amor por Texas, y el ex gobernador de Texas, Mark White lo nombró
Embajador Oficial de la Humanidad en 1985. En 1995 fue incluido en el Paseo de la Fama de West Texas,
y en 2004 en el Salón de la Fama de Texas.

La atracción por esta tierra va más allá de patriotismo y el compositor se ve apoderado por una pasión de la
que todo el público podrá disfrutar y sentir cuando Nunn y su banda se unan a nosotros aquí en Marfa para
una noche de amor en el West Texas con motivo del día de San Valentín.

Gary P. Nunn tocará en Ballroom Marfa a las 8 pm del 15 de febrero. Entradas $10 en la puerta.

Why buy old sounds?

February 11, 2013

Sun Ra business card

Sun Ra’s business card. (Accidentally titled this post “Why buy new sounds?” at first.)

(via tinyluckygenius)

Patrick Cassidy played Anne’s loving father, the sole survivor of the war

One to two pounds a week is a safe, healthy, and maintainable weight loss.
Community is examined as the focal point for establishing a commitment to environmental sustainability; and therefore, community dynamics play a central role in decision making.
for Israel and its policies.
He was at Channel Nine in the 1980s and early 1990s where he presided over Wide World of Sports in its heyday, before heading off to London with Sky.

As Brazil’s litigator, Azevedo locked horns with the EU and US over their subsidies for aircraft makers and cotton producers, although Brazil has also been accused of protectionism by trade partners.
Chang credited another marathoner, Ben Plotkin, for providing medical attention to her friend.

Hamid Drake solo in Paris

Legendary jazz drummer and percussionist Hamid Drake solo in Paris in 2010. As friend Shannin Porter said, “No words.” Drake played at Ballroom in 2004 as part of Fire Into Music (the accompanying LP is on sale here).

Lettre(s) reçue(s) ; Kredrzynski, Stanislav

Welcome to the candid, unfiltered and sometimes unpolished world of Oakley, who’s spent the past month on the bench of the Jordan owned Bobcats.

“I got chills from the birthday card,” 23 year old inmate Jordan “Janae” Farris testified.

“I feel like it encouraged me to write and stuff,” said Alex Taylor, 13, of Neptune City.
The story is of a tragedy of two young children found dead in a basement of a home with gun shot wounds by a Police officer.

Wealthy people are educated and know to call 911 in emergencies.
Il avait opéré le septuple champion du monde allemand après son crash à Silverstone en 1999 et s’était rendu à ses côtés après son accident de ski l’an dernier.

Far West Texas is For Lovers

February 8, 2013

Gary P. Nunn poster, designed by Dirk Fowler

Here at Ballroom we’re busy preparing for next weekend’s Valentine’s Dance with Texas country music legend Gary P. Nunn, spreading the word about this special night of Valentine’s romance.

But that’s not the only thing happening this week in the Trans-Pecos to commemorate the Feast of Saint Valentine …

If you’re eager to get an early start on the festivities, Marfa Public Radio is hosting a Sweethearts Ball and silent auction at the Hotel Paisano this Saturday, 9 February 2013. Tickets are $35 in advance, $50 at the door, with proceeds going to benefit public radio in West Texas.


On the big day itself, Big Bend Brewing Company is hosting a beer-tasting from 4-8pm in Valentine, TX at the “Old Mercantile Building in the middle of town,” featuring performances from The Doodlin’ Hogwallops and Andy Schneider. If you catch the Hogwallops performing their hit single “Valentine Texas” in Valentine, Texas on Valentine’s Day you’re guaranteed some kind of good luck in love in 2013, right?

And then of course we’ll be capping off this most romantic of weeks with Gary at Ballroom Marfa on Friday, 15 February 2013. Doors open at 7pm, show at 8pm. Tickets are $10 at the door.

“The first time I heard mariah carey it shattered the fabric of my existence and I started Grimes”

Truth to power: post from Grimes about music, popular music, success, racism, sexism, and people of color and women in the music business. Have to post the whole thing:

“So I made that post about my favourite songs of 2012 (including taylor swift and gangnam style etc.) and people just hated on it.

I just don’t understand.

I mean, I do understand. I have my own issues with ‘the industry,’ I have issues with how it’s hard to compete with a bunch of people with great connections, and that a lot of real artists get lost along the way because they dont have an ‘in.’ and that women feel pressured to act like strippers and its ok to make rape threats but its not ok to say your a feminist. However, I don’t see why we have to hate something just because it’s successful, or assume that because it is successful it has no substance.

Like, how can you hate Beyonce? Shes changing the world. She stands for people of colour and women everywhere succeeding in a stifling patriarchy without compromising her morals. And she makes challenging, interesting art. She’s always positive. She is everything good. And the fact that she is hugely successful is not a shitty thing. It’s an important and amazing thing and she clearly works hard for it.

and I’m sorry, but I think it’s fucking incredible that a korean language song is the most popular thing on the planet. Thats so good for humanity. Psy wrote and produced gangnam style himself and directed the video HIMSELF. No one made psy. psy is a genius and i dont think its so terrible that hes been recognized for this. It also doesn’t make him evil. His art is creating a generation of kids that will grow up seeing asian culture as being as valid as western culture which they currently don’t. I know because I grew up in Vancouver and half my high school was korean or chinese and the kind of shit i heard all the time was horrible. I used to walk around with my chinese boyfriend and people would yell slurs out of cars. Racism isn’t over. Sexism isn’t over. The only way things actually effect social change is by hitting the audience that perpetuates these ideas. therefore, when a deserving artist blows up its good for everybody.

and yet I know very few adult males who consider themselves serious ‘music guys’ who don’t laugh when I say I like Mariah carey.

Why? because shes beautiful and people like her. therefore she must be selling sex, right? so obviously her music is terrible, right? ugh.

The first time I heard mariah carey it shattered the fabric of my existence and I started Grimes.”

In honor of Claire, Mimi, Beyoncé, women, pop music, here’s an amazing lip synch video to Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy (Remix)” (with ODB) (respect).

Blues Control at Lost Horse

As Blues Control, Russ Waterhouse and Lea Cho create a righteous blend of space rock, spiritual jazz and New Age music that sounds like little else. The Coopersburg, PA-based duo has been making albums since 2007 for top shelf labels like Siltbreeze, Not Not Fun, Woodsist and Holy Mountain. In 2011 they issued an absolute classic of contemporary cosmic music in collaboration with zither guru Laraaji, best known for his Brian Eno-produced album from 1980, Ambient 3: Day of Radiance. Artist Kathy Rose directed their latest video (see above) for “Opium Den/Fade to Blue.” [Video via artinfo]

They’re on tour now in support of the excellent Valley Tangents album on Drag City, and they’ll be delivering their astral guitar/electronics/keyboard jams for FREE at the Lost Horse this Monday (11 February 2013).

Check out a live performance of “Iron Pigs” on Drag City Limits after the jump …

The evolution of a poster

February 5, 2013

One of the joys of the music program is getting to work with artists on show posters. Coming soon are the Kahil El’Zabar and Hamiet Bluiett posters, designed by Brice Beasley (whose thoughtfulness and enthusiasm affirms our theory that poster designers are AWESOME). Here are some drafts of poster, from concept to comp to finished design, as Brice added more texture and played around with the colors a bit. They’ll be in the shop at the end of February.

Kahil El'Zabar & Hamiet Bluiett draft designed by Brice Beasley

Kahil El'Zabar and Hamiet Bluiett poster by Brice Beasley

Kahil El'Zabar and Hamiet Bluiett poster by Brice Beasley