Ballroom Marfa Art Fund


The genius of Lee Fields

17 Oct 2012

Lee Fields by Alex Marks

Another amazing polaroid from Alex Marks, this time of soul legend Lee Fields, who played an INCREDIBLE show here last Friday. More pictures to come, and special thanks to Alex Marks, Robert Pecina Jr., Rob Crowley, Chris Hillen, and Gory Smelley for all their work in making the show such a pleasure. Be sure to listen to the full Lee Fields interview tonight on Marfa Public Radio‘s Night Train from midnight to 2 am, where David Beebe goes deep and talks to Lee for a full hour.

And read this Fader post by Sam Hockley-Smith about Tame Impala’s song “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards,” which prompted me to buy the whole record:

I went for a walk, listening to “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” on repeat. … Maybe it was the jetlag, or maybe it actually happened—but pretty soon it looked like people were walking in lockstep to Kevin Parker’s beat, which is built on a stuttered keyboard melody and snappy bass, before it degrades into lush drum fills and fuzzed-out guitar, Parker repeating It feels like I only go backwards/ every part of me says go ahead/ I got my hopes up again (oh no, not again)/ feels like we only go backwards. Though I was dazed and confused and definitely exhausted, the song felt like a reality check for me — as life changing as you can reasonably call a song you didn’t write yourself is life changing.

“We’re just trying to eat our chicken burgers and we’d rather listen to the radio, if that’s cool.”

10 Oct 2012

Check out the interview with Metz over at Pitchfork, where they discuss their live show (“A couple beers, then you’re on, then you black out, then you wake up”), Mudhoney, Ottawa, and once playing a sports bar (“We got three songs in and were politely asked to stop. They were like, ‘We’re just trying to eat our chicken burgers and we’d rather listen to the radio, if that’s cool'”).

Stream the album below, and while you’re at it, might as well stream the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor record (their first in over a decade).

Stream: Metz’s Metz (Sub Pop, out now)

Stream: Godspeed You! Black Emperor’s ALLELUJAH! DON’T BEND! ASCEND! (Constallation, out October 16)

(via Pitchfork and The Guardian)

Grown from mainly punk seeds

Brian DeGraw of Gang Gang Dance on Philip Glass:

“I think his relationship with [the Chinese meditation practice] Qi Gong is very, very relevant and that has also been really inspirational in terms of helping me to approach life and music from a different direction. I have grown from mainly punk seeds and have made the majority of the music I’ve been involved in within the framework of punk, but at a certain age, I could feel myself progressing out of that state of mind a bit and really following the paths of meditation and spirituality and basically subscribing less and less to a “fuck the world” mentality and more and more to an “un-fuck the world” type train of thought. I tend to relate that transition to Glass a lot, in that, while his music has always had a fairly academic approach, it also had a necessary rawness in the early days. It had very deep meditational rough edges. Spiritual performance punk.”

Read more over at Fader.

Stream: The Philip Glass Remix Record

Illustration of Philip Glass by Martin Nicolausson, courtesy of Fader

Philip Glass has a new record of remixes, REWORK_Philip Glass Remixed, culled together by superfan Beck, including Pantha du Prince, Dan Deacon, Tyodai Braxton (who just played with Glass at last month’s All Tomorrow’s Parties in New York). Stream the record below, and for more of Glass and his impacts, check out Fader‘s annual ICON issue, which explores Glass’s life, his work, his legacy, and what it means to be an avant garde artist today.

Stream: REWORK_Philip Glass Remixed

(via Fader and NPR)
(Illustration of Philip Glass by Martin Nicolausson, courtesy of Fader)

Please set up a new account in line with the Club rulesYou can take anything away from him, but you can definitely try to learn some things.
22, 2012, at Alumni Field in Windsor, Ont.
it opens up a more representative political system, it risks angeringits tribal base, which fears the Palestinian majority taking over and denying the tribes their traditional patronage privileges.
The sound of tambourine music was shattered by the blast of an intruder explosive belt followed by the screams of guests.
skis 20 highest volcanoes in Pacific Northwest in 30 days

He climbed and skied 22 peaks in the Pacific Northwest last month, skiing from the summit on all but two.

The sound of failure

3 Oct 2012

“Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature. CD distortion, the jitteriness of digital video, the crap sound of 8-bit – all of these will be cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided. It’s the sound of failure: so much modern art is the sound of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium supposed to carry it. The blues singer with the cracked voice is the sound of an emotional cry too powerful for the throat that releases it. The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them.”

— Brian Eno, A Year With Swollen Appendices, 1996

(via mikkipedia)


28 Sep 2012

Hip Deep Angola Part 2: Kuduro and Beyond by Afropop Worldwide

Ned Sublette — composer, musician, musicologist, and one of the stars of Vidas Perfectas (which will make its way to Marfa next year) — just released Hip Deep Angola Part Two: 21st Century Urban Angola: Kizomba, Kudiro, Afro-House, and Beyond. The second in his series about Angola, this show focuses entirely on African electronic music. Sublette explains, “Peace came to Angola in 2002 after forty-two years of war, and now everything is different, with construction under way everywhere. The postwar generation of the last ten years communicates via text-messaging and electronic music. The biggest of which is the techno-meets-rap-meets-African-dance style known as kuduro (literally, “hard-ass”).” Check it out. –NI

Dette selv om arbeidstakeren har forskt inndrive kravet

James said: “He’s paid his dues.
I mean when Tiger had his first win he was just three years of age.
The Nasib crossing is the only functioning crossing between Jordan and Syria and is considered a crucial gateway for Syria’s government and for Syrian, Lebanese and Jordanian traders and merchants.
Joseph’s Basilica and members of the Fire Department acted as guards at the church steps.
The gym is good for two things:

1) Getting sexy

2) Preparing for more intense adventures and extreme tasks.
; Edwin Robinson, Warren, sr.
Schmid and Senator Donald Cameron in 1980, and to the Lethbridge Symphony and Dorothy and William Beckel in 1981.
Thank you, Brett Hundley, although expectations have increased so dramatically that after the Bruins lost to Stanford last month, Mazzone told Los Angeles reporters “I want to give a shout out to my mom and my dog, because they’re the only two people that like me right now.

“A few moments where we can escape from whatever it is that’s causing discomfort in our lives.”

From a Vice interview with Lee Fields, “Lee Fields Is the Coolest Motherfucker to Ever Sing Words Into a Microphone”, where Lee discusses his show:

…I love all of the audience. I look at them not as fans, but as my extended family. It’s a love of mankind — trying to get that moment of euphoria. A few moments where we can escape from whatever it is that’s causing discomfort in our lives. We’re gonna escape. That’s what I’m trying to achieve in the course of that performance, so although we’re in one building, we’re not going anywhere, but we do go somewhere. There’s a small excursion to a place that words cannot describe, and we try to go there for a moment, and although we want to stay there, we can’t stay there long. But that one moment is worth all of the efforts.

Lee Fields plays Marfa October 12 (on his way to Austin for ACL – his only two Texas dates in the fall). The amazing Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears open. Buy tickets online or at the door (you can also swing by the gallery). All tickets are willcall. –NI

Enter the Unified Field

27 Sep 2012

Unified Field Issue 1

A couple weeks ago, the great shop Freda hosted a launch party for the equally great Unified Field and their first issue, which includes a limited-edition vinyl, featuring songs by Bonnie “Prince” Billy (playing a song by Cynthia Hopkins!), Department of Eagles, Robin Pecknold and Amen Dunes, whose “Sixteen (demo)” I have listened to on repeat since I got it (play, pick up needle, back to middle, play, pick up needle, back to middle, etc.). The issue’s now sold out, but Rolling Stone has offered up “Sixteen” as a free download, it’s amazing, go download it, then subscribe to Unified Field for updates on the next issue. –NI

This had big print to inflate the page numbers no doubt and could accompany any book in the worldRecently, a cop was accused of over reacting on the scene of a car search but a hidden camera placed on the cop revealed that a person ran into the street holding a hand gun.

“I would love to say, ‘Melvin,’ slap myself on the butt and say, ‘you’re the man,’ ” Hunt said of the team’s turnaround.

Examine your values and let them guide your financial decisions.
309) and Philadelphia’s Ben Revere (.
That not convincing enough.
At the par five 15th yet another birdie meant he reached 19 under par, the first man in Masters history to attain that total.

Peter Brötzmann & Jason Adasiewicz wrap-up

19 Sep 2012

Peter Brötzmann and Jason Adasiewicz, 18 September 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Peter Brotzmann & Jason Adasiewicz, 18 September 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Amazing show last night, many thanks to Peter Brötzmann & Jason Adasiewicz for the incredible performance. Here’s the latest in our Polaroid series by Alex Marks, and my favorite photo from the show by Lesley Brown. (Also be sure to check out the photos of Jason Adasiewicz playing for the local 8th graders…an act of real bravery). –NI

Peter Brötzmann and Jason Adasiewicz, 18 September 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

Peter Brotzmann & Jason Adasiewicz, 18 September 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

Woods, again, was never in the picture not the tournament, not on television

TNT analyst Charles Barkley said James’ decision may change his legacy.
The harder you work, the more luck you’re going to have and the bounces are going to come.
It was a very exciting time for us.
That year, they beat Northeast in the first round, marking the first playoff win for the program since 1995.
He could be a real option if previous head coaching experience isn’t a deal breaker for Byrne.
This brought the Emperor to his knees, and forced him to undergo the Humiliation of Canossa in 1077, in which Henry IV knelt barefoot clad in a hairshirt in the midst of a blizzard for three days to get the edict of excommunication lifted.