Ballroom Marfa Art Fund


Killer Lee Fields jam, plus a great Marfa profile

15 Jun 2012

Kick off your weekend with this killer jam by Lee Fields, who I am dying to get to Marfa, courtesy of one of my favorite blogs, Aquarium Drunkard (founder Justin Gage and his wife recently stopped by Ballroom!). If Lee Fields ever plays out here, every single person in Marfa and the surrounding 300 miles must attend.

And be sure to check out this profile of Buck Johnston, one of our favorite Marfa people. Hearing Buck talk about Marfa makes ME want to visit Marfa. Thanks to Haley Schultheis for the great interview. –NI

Listen: Japandroids

11 Jun 2012

Japandroids, Celebration Rock

Excited about Japandroids’ new record, Celebration Rock, which you can stream here, courtesy of the great folks at Polyvinyl. Recommended listening on headphones.

Also local folks, eets Feats and Low Times play tonight at Marfa Book Company. Not sure time, normal show time probably, but both bands are GREAT. –NI

Shivers (+ Esther Kläs show “Better Energy” opens tomorrow)

2 Jun 2012

Foundation for Jammable Resources, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Foundation for Jammable Resources, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Foundation for Jammable Resources, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Foundation for Jammable Resources, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Ana from CSS, wearing a Ballroom hat (!!!!!!!!!), 27 May 2012. Photo by Lesley Brown.

Just got the photos from the CSS and Foundation for Jammable Resources show. Every picture, Hilary and I were like, OMG, YES THAT ONE, YES THAT ONE TOO. Check them all out here. Thanks to Lesley Brown for taking such dope photos. And please note the silver space backdrop, conceived by Rob Crowley and Hilary duPont. –NI

(New Yorkers, be sure to check out Ballroom fave Esther Kläs’s new show Better Energy, curated by Peter Eleey, at Moma PS1. Opens tomorrow, Sunday, June 3 from 12-6pm.)


30 May 2012

New amaze Polaroids from the CSS concert last week, featuring CSS and Foundation for Jammable Resources, courtesy of photographer Alex Marks (whose work is featured in the new Best Coast record) (“limited edition black vinyl comes with an exclusive booklet insert”) (!).

p.s. I’m sitting in the Crowley Theater while the classical pianist Kimball Gallagher rehearses for his performance Friday night. Folks of Marfa, be sure to come out. Doors at 7 pm; concert at 7:30 pm (with a children’s concert at 2 pm that same day). Both events are free. –NI

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

CSS, 27 May 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

Foundation for Jammable Resources by Alex Marks

Foundation for Jammable Resources, May 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

Foundation for Jammable Resources by Alex Marks

Foundation for Jammable Resources, May 2012. Photo by Alex Marks.

CSS setlist

CSS set list

The setlist from CSS‘s show last Sunday. “Fuck Everything” = best song title on the history of planet Earth? Also just noticed “Music Is My Hot Prada Marfa.” Plus they came back and did an encore, which included a Judas Priest cover. Amaze. Photos coming soon, but huge ups to CSS and Foundation for Jammable Resources for really kicking out the jams and being so inspirational. –NI

Righteous CSS posters

22 May 2012

CSS posters by Arts and Recreation

Just snagged this photo from Facebook, courtesy of wonder designers Arts and Recreation — they just finished printing the CSS posters for our fundraiser this weekend. Come out if you can, as it’ll be a great show (just drive straight from Neon Desert and deposit yourself on the dancefloor at the Capri). $10 at the door, with local band Foundation for Jammable Resources opening. Righteousnesssssss. –NI

Surprise show: CSS! Next weekend, May 27!

15 May 2012

CSS playing Webster Hall last year. Courtesy of mga.

We’re way excited to have über fun Brazilian band CSS play a benefit concert for us on Sunday, May 27. That’s in 13 days! Less than two weeks! Memorial Day weekend! Get your head in the game! Tickets $10, show at the Capri, total dance party. (Also if you’re looking for a distraction, check out their tumblr, where I spent 1-3 hours today, browsing videos and gifs of L7 and Jodie Foster.). –NI

At the Drive-In posters, drying on the line

11 May 2012

Photo by Stefaan du Pont

Photo by Stefaan duPont, April 2012

In-town promotional posters for At the Drive-In, drying on the line. Designed by our superstar rad intern and artist Rosa McElheny and spraypainted by pals Stefaan duPont, Sarah Murphy, and our gallery manager, Hilary duPont. Thanks to Stefaan for the great image — check out more photos from Stefaan and Sarah’s sojourn in Marfa and roadtrip across the States here. –NI